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Outdoor Rolling Planter - Edifice Plans

How to brand a unproblematic cedar outdoor rolling planter amongst costless edifice plans Outdoor Rolling Planter - Building Plans

 *This post is sponsored by Simpson Strong-Tie ® . All opinions are my ain together with are uninfluenced. 

I know it's non officially summertime yet, merely it feels similar it hither inward Arizona already. You would mean value amongst all the planter projects I've built inward the past, I would accept a light-green thumb. Yeah... non together with then much. I am genuinely a series constitute killer, merely for to a greater extent than or less argue I am determined to proceed trying. 

I latterly picked upward some Outdoor Accents® APA21 angles (those gorgeous dark angle accents), together with then I decided to construct an outdoor cedar planter. And what makes whatever projection better? Make it roll. 

I'm over at the Simpson Strong-Tie, Building Strong Blog, sharing the total edifice plans. 

This was a pretty unproblematic projection that I was able to pose together, starting fourth dimension to finish, inward 1 afternoon. Definitely do-able for a beginner. I'm kinda inward dearest amongst cedar now. 

Like this project? Ready to construct your ain planter? Pin the icon below to salve the thought for later. 

How to brand a unproblematic cedar outdoor rolling planter amongst costless edifice plans Outdoor Rolling Planter - Building Plans

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